My class has been writing to pen pals that go to a Christian school far and forever away. They are from Oakland Christian school in a suburb, Auburn Hills, about an hour away. On Monday, we loaded up the mini but and made our way to meet these writing strangers! The kids were so excited, a tad nervous but couldn't believe we were actually going to meet them. When we got there some high schoolers were eating lunch outside and they were so concerned that those were our pen pals. It was a beautiful day and picture of God's grace as by the time we had to leave they were trying to exchange email addresses (...ha, which our kids don't have) and promising to 'stay in touch'. It was so much fun! (sidenote: we also write to my sisters class in South Dakota. Erik really thought we were getting on the bus and driving to South Dakota until we got there and he asked in amazement, this is South Dakota? Bless him. Also, Taugh- who has the best one liners of all time- arrived, got off the bus, and said "It smells like farm out here"...oh to live in the city...)
Friday of last week we loaded the bus with the whole school and went to Belle Isle. Belle Isle is a very colorful place! It's an island (obviously) where you are in Detroit but can see Canada on the other side (Justin Stottlemyre I hope you read this). On a typical weekened it's packed out with family reunions, picnics, fishing, and some other unmentionable activities ;). But, on this beautiful sunny Friday afternoon the park was free reign and the kids took advantage. We had 10 college students on a service project join us and besides a few scraped knees and bloody lips we had an excellent time! (and what teacher doesn't like an extra field trip at the end of the year!

Though I forgot to take a picture...we got on the bus again yesterday and went out to another far and forever away suburb, Novi. We have some friends, we call them, from a retirement community called Fox Run. This is not your typical retirement community though. It's like a all inclusive college that keeps these people a movin' and a shakin'. They come once a week and read with our kids so faithfully. Most are retired teachers/principals that can't even stop themselves. So, yesterday they invited us to their place for lunch and a tour of the place. We saw all the sites (just like cute little elderly folk would do) and even got to join the quilting ladies to make a quilt square. (one of the teachers may have predicted me in that room in 50 years, and i was so ok with that!) It was another beautiful day of blessing for our kids and people really loving on them. We love our Fox Run friends!
Just three more days of school!!! On Friday we have the "batman" coming. Some students really think batman is coming...we might let them think that for a few days. But, truly, he's just a man that has some bats and other strange animals. Not so sure where we found him. We also have our family picnic at lunch too. More pictures to follow!