Next I met up with my college friends in the OC and laughed into the wee hours of the night over the fabulous game of 'Things'. I highly recommend. Since college four years ago, weddings and now babies too it was incredible to sit around the table with these people I hold so dear. Even more incredible to be able to sleep through the night until I wanted in the morning as the babies portion does not apply to me :). Little sleep, lots of fun- so worth it!
Under God's Canopy started at Wesley for the summer. I'm heading up the middle school crowd this summer and with some anxieties about entertaining middle schoolers from 8am-6pm ahead of time- we had an awesome first day. We did some photography, videography, dancing, skits, ice cream, crafts, catch phrase, nail polishing and just time spent together. And, they were SO GOOD. All anxieties out the window and looking forward to this week. We have 5 Wednesdays left with plenty of activites planned to keep them out of trouble. My loves...Joe Joe and Damius
A few days later on Saturday at Meldrum Park we had a Water Fun Day for the Whittier Neighborhood. We did slip n slide, water balloons, sand castles and the kids' (and volunteers!!) favorite...dump buckets of water on Jessi. Cute. Regardless though there were about 30 out who enjoyed probably the most beautiful day of the summer yet and we had a ball. I'm so thankful for the people who volunteered- I couldn't have done it without them. We have two more community events planned for the summer. So much fun and truly what makes me my heart beat!

And next up, JULY! Wedding showers, basketball camp, bachlorette parties, Wild Water West, the lake, and hopefully days full of sunshine.