Monday, March 29, 2010

old mcdonald had a farm...

When I think of old people I immediately think of my cousin Becca who loves old people. Something about how cute they are, I guess I can see where she's coming from. This weekend she quickly came to mind as I attended the praise concert fundraiser at City Covenent Church (City Mission's church plant).

There were about 8 groups. These groups ranged from youth worship bands, Jesus rappers, mens choirs and (my favorite), the masters of harmony. There names says it all- they were an incredible a cappela group. This was a group of five older men. The leader was 96!!!!!! He didn't look a day over 60 and was an incredible man of faith, with quick wit too. He had such a simplicity about him and spoke truth to us- pretty much informing us that the tv is the devil. He shared for a few minutes and I think many of could have gathered at his feet and listened to him all night but the group quickly broke out in song. A tall, thin man took center circle for the first number. I'm sure it was an old gospel hymn that many knew and it outlined the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. But, the only line I remember is when this reverant man quietly sang the causes me to tremble...and there he stood his fragile frame practically trembling as he sang these words from his heart and visualized the picture he was painting with his song. It was absolutely beautiful.

So then Mr. 96- but I look like I'm 60- takes over again and says we're going to sing a song for the kids and they break out in the cutest version of Old McDonald I've ever heard. Everyone was clapping and laughing and he was dancing his way up and down the aisle having the kiddos help with the animal sounds. It was precious. He goes back up front and starts a new line- "on his farm he had a wife"...he stops there and says, "I have to stay up here for this one, ...had a wife, e-i-e-i-o, with a gimme gimme here and a gimme gimme there, here a gimme, there a gimme, everywhere a gimme gimme...." Everybody was ROLLING! We were so shocked but thought it was so funny and there stands Mr. 96- but i look like I'm 60- toe tappin along as he finished the song.

Out of left field this man that we were ready to sit at his feet and listen to stories as though he was Jesus....has a wife that says gimme gimme. He was beautiful...and real. In his defense, he ended the song and then said ladies, we aren't nothing without you. Maybe you had to be there, but gosh it was so funny! It was an great night of worship and family as we experienced Jesus through so many different styles and of course ended the night enjoying food around the table- because there is not better way to experience community but through food :)

Boy, I'm going to miss my family here.

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