"What do you do?"
"I'm a teacher"
"Where at, what grade?".....
I taught 2nd-3rd grade for two years. I was the program director for all programs outside the school day. I teach English to adult immigrants and refugees. I teach middle schoolers every day in an after school program. I teach piano lessons. I teach children's Sunday school. I teach about the justice 2nd language parents deserve in the public schools. I teach middle schoolers they are valued and loved by their Creator and me too. I teach the students in all my arenas how to create and express themselves whether that means cooking or gluing and cutting. I teach adults the letters and the sounds they make. I teach geometry to myself first so i can help the kids. I teach children the musical alphabet and hope to grow in them a love for music. I teach others about Jesus and how to live for Him but hope they experience Him through my words and actions too. I teach moms how to care for their child who has a cast, though I've never had a child with a cast myself. I teach children manners simply to chew with their mouth closed and even explain why. I teach adults the importance and value of reading with their children on a daily basis. I teach everyone the healing in laughter and thats it ok to laugh at yourself too. I teach because I have been blessed with a burden to serve and love and give of myself in this way.
But, I teach because I have been taught and continue to be taught. I've been taught right from wrong and how to give and live selflessly. I've been taught the musical alphabet and developed a love for music. I've been taught the letters and the sounds they make. I've been taught that even though communication is difficult loving a child isn't. I've been taught about the love of my Jesus and that we must share that with and without words. I'm taught each day by the beautiful women in my class that fight and struggle each day to learn the same things their 2nd graders are learning, and to do it with endurance and pride. I've been taught that we are all just people and deserve a 2nd, 3rd and 4th chance. I've been taught that there is not much more beautiful in this world than the innocence of a child and though so small we have so much to learn from them.
So that's what I do...I teach, because I've been taught.

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