-These animals. Seriously, they make my heart so full. In the midst of homework arguments and discipline they really crave love and attention which comes through structure and consistency...and oatmeal raisin cookies and hot cocoa and marshmallow too :) (this was at our hotel pool Christmas party, we had a ball!!!)
-Grocery shopping. Especially Sunday afternoons when it's busy. Believe it. If someone would hire me to do their grocery shopping I'd do it full time, or heck just send me with a list. I love watching people and checking out the aisles for new found treasures. It's the little things right?
-Creating and Friday afternoons at my house. See the massive pile of stickers behind my sweet girl Cindy there. What girl has that many stickers?! I LOVE to create things, and to provide that opportunity to the kids and others in my life. A common heard mantra of mine...'Oh, we can just make that!!' Friday afternoons are like none other around here....field trips, baking, movies, and of course...creating.
-Teaching piano lessons. My students are the sweetest and it makes me proud to see them progress and learn- and seem to love it (though, i know the real trials of practicing too!)
- This song: www.youtube.com/watch?=sn2a73B0uB0 (Come Awake, by IgniterMedia)
- Diamyn's ice cream birthday cake made by the fabulous Karen Reade. This cake is fabulous all on its own but it also signifies the incredible amount of people that invest in these kids and support this program and all that goes on here. From snow shoveling, cookie baking, putting the foosball table together, practicing multiplication- we are well loved.
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