We're 4 weeks into school already in these parts. Hard to believe, as usual, life is whizzing by. I count my blessings daily, but voice my prayers probably a lot more.
It was a rough start to the year. I had a new part-time job, a new business and old and new kids at powerhouse who I love more than i want to somtimes. I was dealing with police officers, parents, strep throat and little sleep. A whole lot of not good combination. It was a new ballgame to me- a new reality of what I'm dealing with and a whole big realm of the unknown. I felt a bit scared, I wondered if I could really do this - in fact I knew I couldn't and fell flat on my face (or in my bed) in the arms and grace of our Jesus.
Then, a Friday came around. I usually take my kids on field trips on Fridays. They don't get a lot of opportunities. It's crazy to me how their stories can be so similar to the stories of my kids from Detroit- right here in little Sioux Falls where I was born and raised in the shelter of my perfect little neighborhood. But, it's the truth so onward we go. It was cold outside of course but we had planned to go 'orienteering' at the Outdoor Campus in Sioux Falls. I was already preparing myself for the negative attitudes, the complaints, the stubborness that so many of them cling to. We had to walk through the trails, find 4 points and race back to the bus all in hopes of a pizza party. I had my doubts.
But, then I got a glimpse of grace...right before my very eyes....

(some of the excited orineteers)
They were excited, they were kind, they were ready and they LOVED it. We got lost, we walked way further than we had to and in circles over and over again, and then we found the 4 points and had a footrace with another team to the bus. The whole time I got to hear the hearts of four beautiful kids on my team as we wandered through the trees (blessing in disguise, that lost part i guess). I got to hear them dream and laugh and work with each other to achieve. Best of all, I got to see them be positive, embrace the weather and encourage one another.
Incredible how Christ shows up in my moments of little faith. The moments where I question and wonder if this is what I'm supposed to be doing each day, if it even matters. Then He shows up and works through these precious children to teach me and grow me. It's my prayer they experience Him, too, through the few hours we spend together each day.