...in pictures of course, because it's much more interesting that way!

Soaking up every last second with this girl before we become phone besties again. Luckily we're really good at it, but, boy was it a treat to have her here the last six months.

Starting a cupcake business and seriously living a dream. I still wonder sometimes if it's for real. check out
www.jcakesbakery.com. Huge shout out to my forever friend and her hubs the Norris'

Hanging with these guys again. School started out of nowhere and I have 17 lovlies joining me at the house everyday. I would do just about anything for these kids and am excited for round 2 with them and some new ones!
Fall flavors :). Check out the website- but with a new season brings new flavors. Currently taking suggestions! This is caramel apple, and is to die for (but, i maybe say that about them all- just ask my hips :)

Back to school picnic at the park- one of many summer events. This is a little piece of my Heaven right here. Love these kids and this park and the relationships I've been able to build in the neighborhood over the summer. I'm seriously again living a dream- and the faithfulness of Christ literally in my backyard.

Two of my bests, married. Best day of the summer- seriously fun party and happy as can be for these two who mean the world to me.

Living it up at the 'sand at the lake' as Joy calls it in the last few weeks of summer with my BFF, forever friend, and her babe. We took full advantage of summer days and became tight with coffee shop owners, thrift stories and the mad streets of downtown Sioux Falls. F-U-N
Add in a new part-time teaching gig with ELL kiddos, a gaggle of new piano students, my dear family and friends...life is good. I hit the brick wall of 'need to sleep more' yesterday and happily collapsed into my bed thinking of how incredibly blessed I am. I am doing a lot of everything I love and though somedays I wonder if I am going to make it- I wake up everyday knowing I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I live the grace and mercy and faithfulness of a Jesus who loves me more than I can comprehend. Can it get much better than that?
xoxo, jess
Geez I feel famous that I made the blog and with might be one of our best pictures yet. What a great day. Miss you!