Monday, June 1, 2009

summer is here!

I am so grateful for the change of pace summer always brings! Though it's still busy, it's a different kind of busy where sleeping in is 7:00 and still being at work on time. Who would have ever thought, right?
A few pictures to share with you what I've been up to:

This is Ariana and Bryon. They live down the street. We've been chalking like crazy with a little mix of bubble blowing and bocce ball playing in between.

A cool evening after mowing the lawn. This is a pretty popular event at my house (probably because they get dinner out of the deal). They love this slide that is made for three year olds. They call it their house (Thanks Don and Devon!!!)

My humble little garden. This is my first gardening adventure. I have potatoes, lettuces, tomatoes, watermelon, peppers, herbs, and broccoli growing. There is an incredible program in Detroit called the Greening of Detroit which I paid $5 and they have given me tons of seeds and hot and cold crops. It is awesome! The kids have loved helping me and admitted yesterday they water my garden when I'm 'gone' (i haven't been 'gone' yet...). I'm glad they get to experience and learn gardening.

Breakfast for dinner. Terry, Ashawn, Javon, Geniah, and Brandi. They love pancakes for dinner and I love making the. This was after the previously mentioned mowing day. We spend lots of time around this picnic table on my front porch. It's a beautiful thing.
There's a little sneak peak for you. Lots of fun had between camp lists, summer programs, work days and endless registration forms! I'm heading out fo Harlem tomorrow to check out Harlem Children's Zone ( This is a ministry very similar to ours but much larger. We are excited to see how they do it (Prince Harry was just there too!). Then straight from Harlem I'm flying to good ol' South Dakota on Thursday through Tuesday. I am so excited to be home to see my much missed family and visit some friends too. Look me up if you're in the area!
Love you!

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