Tuesday, November 30, 2010

six pack and a pound

This is Nathan and Joe Joe. They are brothers that come to my house everyday after school and have quickly stolen my heart. Nathan is in eighth grade and calls me to tell me if he's going to be late, tells me about his girlfriend daily, texted me to say thank-you out of the blue, is obsessed with spiderman (mexican spiderman to be exact), loves tacos, dilligently completes his homework everyday, and shows a very fatherly love to his younger brother daily.

Joe Joe is in 6th grade and some that know him think he takes extra patience but I really get him. Joe Joe needs lots of words of encouragement everday and 1-1 help, loves star wars and wants a luke skywalker tunic, is very sweet-spirited, has the best one-liners, and definitely has a special place in my heart.

These boy earned a trip to Taco John's through a competition at the Powerhouse. They saved there pennies to upgrade to order the coveted six pack and a pound. So, the week of thanksgiving when we had a day off we headed over to the ol' taco joint for dinner. Precious moments with these kids are spent outside of the two hours in my home...though, that time is precious too. But, it's in the conversation prompted by a pound of potato oles that I get to hear their dreams and hurts and I'm reminded once again why I do this gig every single day. They aren't angels but amidst the 6 tacos I was given incredible amounts of patience and love for these boys that extends into the after school hours at my house.

Then they ate the entire six pack and the entire pound- both of them, and i wanted to puke. Growing boys I guess, but seriously. yuck

Monday, November 22, 2010


I have had lots of opportunities to brush up on my Spanish in the last four months. Though, the smaller the better when it comes to students to practice with :). This is Gerson (Harrison) ...we got to play together one morning. He taught me so much! Doesn't he just melt your heart!!!

We were playing cash register. He said, "Miss Jessi, yo tengo money" (I have money) a little mixed language if you will :)

This life of teaching classes, visiting homes, hanging with the kids after school is becoming very normal to me and I'm figuring out more and more of a routine. I'm grateful for how beautifuly and naturally it has all come together and even more grateful for all the beautiful people that I get to share life with. Not too many people get an opportunity like this and I'm humbled by how so many welcome me into their homes with open arms. I am so lucky!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Veteran's Day

I am grateful for the Veteran's, including my grandpa who are serving and have served our country. What a sacrifice. We celebrated my grandpa and many other veterans at applebees with free ribs and beer for him. Nothing like a hearty thank-you!
Though, I was grateful for Veteran's Day at my VOA job as well as I spent the day visiting my familes homes and got to spend time with the children who are typically in school. They are all about the sweetest things you ever met and so incredibly talented and intelligent. They are so far ahead so many as they speak bilingually and are figuring out life in this country and help teach their parents along the way too. Such incredibly strong children and momma's (and daddy's).
I had the pleasure of doing some turkey fun with the kiddos and seeing the beauty of kids learning right along side their mothers and encouraging them and celebrating the victories of irregular past tense verbs as if they had just won a soccer game. It was quite humbling to see a kindergartner and 2nd grader reviewing vocabulary with their mom. These mom's are so tough and hard working and striving so hard to give their children the best life possible. Even if that means working all night and still attending class the next morning. I'm blown away by these women daily and the hurdles they are overcoming as they adjust to life in America.

Made these turkey cookies first, even with the first 4 kiddos at 9am, i'm sure that mom was lovin me :)

Jose and Antony reading together..watch out ladies, these guys are going to be heartbreakers. They are so darn precious!! (not to mention super polite too!)

This is Elba. The four of us we're practicing vocabulary around the room. We learned clown, baseball bat, submarine, kite, and football. The boys cheered when she repeated all of them. She is one of the sweetest spirited ladies and has raised some fine young men. When I met her we stuck to hi and how are you. Now we talk about her children and their progress at school, her job, and where she likes to shop. She absolutely blows me away!!

I am so blessed and honored to visit the homes of these incredible families each week and to be a part of their lives!

Monday, October 25, 2010

what do you do?

In most introductions and occasions of meeting someone know the question is often asked of 'what do you do". I usually tell folks I'm a teacher and hope not too many more questions ensue. Though, this often initiates questions of where, what grade and how long...and so the answer begins...
"What do you do?"

"I'm a teacher"

"Where at, what grade?".....

I taught 2nd-3rd grade for two years. I was the program director for all programs outside the school day. I teach English to adult immigrants and refugees. I teach middle schoolers every day in an after school program. I teach piano lessons. I teach children's Sunday school. I teach about the justice 2nd language parents deserve in the public schools. I teach middle schoolers they are valued and loved by their Creator and me too. I teach the students in all my arenas how to create and express themselves whether that means cooking or gluing and cutting. I teach adults the letters and the sounds they make. I teach geometry to myself first so i can help the kids. I teach children the musical alphabet and hope to grow in them a love for music. I teach others about Jesus and how to live for Him but hope they experience Him through my words and actions too. I teach moms how to care for their child who has a cast, though I've never had a child with a cast myself. I teach children manners simply to chew with their mouth closed and even explain why. I teach adults the importance and value of reading with their children on a daily basis. I teach everyone the healing in laughter and thats it ok to laugh at yourself too. I teach because I have been blessed with a burden to serve and love and give of myself in this way.

But, I teach because I have been taught and continue to be taught. I've been taught right from wrong and how to give and live selflessly. I've been taught the musical alphabet and developed a love for music. I've been taught the letters and the sounds they make. I've been taught that even though communication is difficult loving a child isn't. I've been taught about the love of my Jesus and that we must share that with and without words. I'm taught each day by the beautiful women in my class that fight and struggle each day to learn the same things their 2nd graders are learning, and to do it with endurance and pride. I've been taught that we are all just people and deserve a 2nd, 3rd and 4th chance. I've been taught that there is not much more beautiful in this world than the innocence of a child and though so small we have so much to learn from them.

So that's what I do...I teach, because I've been taught.

....and...if you knew this girl you would too!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

little of this and that

Just a few days of fun at the Powerhouse...

Sara at the Washington Pavilion checking out her brain waves...nice
Future archeologists (how do you spell that??) Joe Joe and Job, they built that dino at the Science center of the pavilion

We went to the corn maze and found the treasure box and got a treat! It was cold, but fun!!

Yo-yo master, David, came and the kids all got their own yo-yos and taught some tricks. I was pretty impressed!

Vicki and Jesse joined Meriah on a Thursday to make sugar cookies. Damius and Job made me retake this picture after they made it look like they had been working. They used a rolling pin for the first time. It was delcious!
We are so blessed to have people bless us with their gifts and talents. However, makes the not special days tagged as 'boring'...which means I usually fall in that category. Silly kids :) I love them to pieces and love learning new things with them from the folks that join us. These kids are truly the best (even after they've eaten 6 cookies, I just sometimes need a little reminder then :)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Grandpa Herb

My Grandmother recently had knee replacement surgery here in Sioux Falls. She was doing great and recovering normally. But, then had a little bummer, as she called it. My aunt rephrased it as a big bummer. After lunch one day she got very sick, ended up in the ER and soon the ICU ultimately with ulcers. However, it took a good day and a half, sleepless night, and scary moments to get to that prognosis.

In the meantime my Grandpa, her husband, was five hours away in Eureka, South Dakota. He can't see well at all and shouldn't drive though he somehow deems it acceptable in Eureka. Yesterday he told me he drives better than other Eurekans who drive like a bat out of you know where, ha. Anyways he got a ride to Sioux Falls and joined us in the cold, stark ICU waiting room as we waited for some answers, some comfort.
That's Grandpa Herb, he was a nervous wreck, hadn't slept and was so concerned about this dear woman that he loved. He sat across from me in the hard chair and began to tell me stories of their 60 (!!!) years of marriage. He told me of how they met when he got back from he war when he was 22 and his brother told him that's who he would marry. And, back then he says you listened to your brother. They married at 25 and were both teachers and began a family together. He had a sparkle in his eye as he shared these stories and my heart was so bittersweet as I was so priveleged to hear these stories but yet see the worry in his face for his beloved wife. He repeatedly said I just hope we can figure this problem out.
His lovely wife has recovered and glimpses of my old grandma are seen more and more! With that comes old grandpa too but we are so grateful to have these two close to us- even more so as they (or i should say their children) have decided to live here for the next 6 months.
I'm reminded yet again of the blessing of moving back to Sioux Falls and hope to hear more stories of the last 85 years of their lives and continue to see the love of 60 years of marriage. These are the people we should learn from in life. They are quite incredible!

Monday, September 13, 2010

a few of my favorite things...

in no particular order...enjoy

1. living in sioux falls and being able to visit my grandma in rehab as she recovers after knee surgery. it is such a blessing for me to be close for stuff like this.

2. celebrating this boys birthday. these kids are already so dear to me. my sweetheart on the right there really got into the happy birthday song apparently- watch out.

3. iced coffee

4. interpretors when "como te llamas" y "como estas" just isn't enough to get by

5. my home, which truly is becoming my home and a home for those i care so deeply about.

6. my church family that encourages me so much in what I do. I am blessed to serve and work in this way among the people that have seen my grow up and support me by volunteering here each week, painting a really huge old stucco house, fellowshipping at a community picnic, enjoying an afternoon chat. these people are seriously incredible.

7. my two jobs have become more entangled than i could have imagined. my families crossover into my english classes and tutoring after school, many are my neighbors, and all have been so incredibly enjoyable to work with. this is truly a dream this life i'm living.

8. don mencke, cause i know he faithfully read this :) and nanc too...some of my biggest fans. love y'all.

9. again, the birthday boy


Monday, August 30, 2010


We've been moving right along for two weeks already at the Powerhouse after school program. I'm learning quickly what it's like to work two jobs directly with people often with high needs. My heart is so full each day and I often just wish I could do it all for each person I come into contact with. Consequently I collapse into bed each night grateful for the opportunity to do this life, and to sleep fast for what the next day will bring.

My after school kids are incredible. I didn't know pleasant and middle schooler could go in the same sentence- but I have the best of the best for sure. It helps that we hung out all summer long and they are such good friends. Like one big messed up family around here!

They come each day after school- usually racing. I told them to keep racing...makes me feel good, ha. We eat snacks, play games (i still have not won at battleship), do homework, work on achieve3000, laugh, cook, and they truly make me be a better person

I know i'm in exactly the right place, especially being in this house. It's like my dream come true to welcome students into my home to provide just a little extra consistency and love each day of their lives. I am blessed beyond measure in the timing of this and now see so clearly how much I was being prepared to be right here.

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you" John 14:27. Resting in His undeniable peace in these moments!
Some of my beauties...(huge props to Megs on the table, we love it!!!)

Damious, with the aviators...whatever it takes to get the job done!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Words Travel

For my job with the volunteers of America I have been trained in a program called words travel. My boss asked me if I'd be interested in this program as she thinks there is little these days that would scare me. That's pretty close to accurate, but this particular day gave me a little run for my money.

Words Travel is a parternship with VOA and scholastic books that takes a reading curriculum into jails around the country. So, I have been trained in words travel and had my first experience ever in a jail! This program is designed to teach moms and dads about six different genre's of literature and then read the book and tape it for their children. We spend about an hour a week for 8 weeks going through stories and recording the books.

So, there I found myself ripping and running through my day and pulling up the jail that I'd driven past a hundred times. Never did I think I'd find myself standing between the locked doors awaiting a group of 6 women. Thankfully, I attended the first session with a seasoned veteran - one who knew all the tricks about the doors, where to go, and which rooms and chairs worked the best. Boy, I have a lot to learn.

Before I knew it I was in and just standing there amidst crowds of black and white stripes and women collecting the 'best chairs'. The guard escorted us down the hall and we were locked in a little room, known as the 'multi-purpose room'....i call it major claustorphobia!

I sat there taking in my surroundings, trying to keep my nervous legs from shaking and listening intently to the lesson and the story, which happend to be "Amazing Grace" today (great story!). I watched men walk by the window with handcuffs and wink at the ladies, big yawns from one momma next to me, but more than anything just six women wanting to love on their children.

I was struck by the normalcy of this situation and realized that these are just regular people who had made bad decisions and deserve a second chance just like the rest of us. Suddenly why they were there didn't matter and the black and white stripes quickly faded as they talked so lovingly about their toddlers and school children who they desperately loved.

I left with a heaviness in my heart as they went back to the rec rooms with the ladies who have become their friends. These women are no different than you and me as I mess up a hundred times a day. But, I have hope in a God that forgives and saves with unending grace and I hope that these women will know that God too. It's my prayer that between rhyming and storytelling that glimpses of Christ's love and forgiveness would shine through to the women I meet.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

some things I know

-Everybody should spend an hour of their life with these kids. They will give you great perspective and great joy. You will also learn how to say the same thing five different ways to ensure understanding as English is limited. These are part of my kiddos for the next three weeks!
-Every mother of a pre-teen that does not allow her to wear a bikini deserves a pat on the back and then some. For the love mothers, that is too much. I spend a lot of time at public pools, and the best part is it's for my job and I'm getting paid to work on my tan!

-Everyone should spend some time with these kids as they will learn the true meaning of patience. Each Wednesday I hang with this bunch from Wesley Methodist's summer program. There are about 30 middle schoolers, some of who will come to the after school program I'm starting in the Fall

-I realized I live in the right neighborhood when I saw kids I know from various neighborhoods at the local pool and park next door to my house. So many similarities to my last job...the kool-aid jug will be filled up soon (i'm so close to moving into my house!)

-Eric....will give you great joy!

-I think of Detroit often and especially miss Randazzo's, ghetto beauty supply, and the front porch of my house full of kids (though, I don't own that house anymore!!!!)

-I am surrounded by incredible family and friends here and am so grateful for my community.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

volunteers of america

I wonder if my few readers have given up on me...but nonetheless I shall give you an update!

I've started to settle in to life Sioux Falls. I think it's finally hitting me I'm not just here on vacation but that I live here. However, the suitcases that are currently my closets aren't helping the case. I'm living at my sister's for now but hope to be in my house in the next few weeks. I just keep reminding myself I'm glad to be here. I have some of the most incredible friends that have helped me remember what it's like to be 25 again!

I started working with the Volunteers of America. We are not volunteers, so the name seems to be a bit misleading. But, it is such a perfect fit for me. They call themselves a church and remind me so much of the place I left and loved for three years. I'm working at the Bowden Youth Center in the kids summer camps for June and July. This means my days are filled with Uno, tetherball, walks downtown and trips to the swimming pool. Doesn't get much better than that right! The kids are precious and remind me daily how grateful I am for the experience I had in Detroit. Can't pull too many fast ones on me! They are every color of the rainbow and voice of the sea (Avalon...right Donny? :) which is new for me and fun to experience. I learned Karundi swear words on about day two- which is right about on par when working with kids. But, they are beautiful, and precious and loved by the Creator and I hope to love on them and teach them as they are so deserving.

Starting in July a new and unexpected grant will allow the Bowden to expand so I will be running this camp in a few weeks. It is specifically for refugee children from the Family Immersion Center school in Sioux Falls. I'm excited for this new challenge, and excited to meet more families in Sioux Falls. We'll be studying Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs based solely on the rich themes and vocabulary (...not for my fascination with this darling children's movie...)

Wednesday starts Under God's Canopy with the other part of my life here....look for that update soon!! (And, I promise some pictures...getting a little boring I know!)


Thursday, June 3, 2010

been a minute...

well a million things have happened. the smile has not left my face...even as i tiredly (is that a word??) fall into a new bed each night. let me give you a little recap

Detroit: i said goodybe to my friends and family in detroit. through a few tears i had a fabulous last week with my loves and did everything one last time. but, rather than dwelling on 'this might be the last time we....' i remembered the incredibly beautiful memories i made in the D and continued to smile. Dana and I loaded up the Bonnie Saturday morning, made an emergency u-turn back to elias donuts and then headed for milwaukee

Road Trip: Dane and I had a fabulous time in the car. We stopped at the chocolate garden, got wined and dined by her son who's a server in downtown chicago, devoured some Garrett's popcorn, and made a pit stop where we were so well taken care of at my cousin's- Becca and Charlie's- in Milwaukee. We had a SUCH A BALL! Then Sunday came and we got to share breakfast with my old CHicago friends...bruce and lyssie...and then we drove...and drove, and drove, and drove. Minnesota is one big state. Sunday got a little long but we were so grateful to have no problems and an easy drive

Sioux Falls: We got her Sunday night arrive home to my excited family. I showed Dana all the sights and we spoiled ourselves with pedicures and haircuts too. It was so fun to have her here with my family and to see all the things she's heard about over the last three years. I took her to the Omaha airport Wednesday evening and miss her already...but we just said so long, instead of goodbye :)

Life: So, now I live in Sioux Falls and I often find myself grinning as I drive down Cliff Avenue one more time (kelli and i live at opposite ends of Cliff....it's perfect). My house isn't done, my parents house isn't done, and kelli's house doesn't house us all....SO, i'm suriving off the kindness of dear friends and always have a hot meal and pillow for my head. I'm so blessed.

VOA: I got a job with the volunteers of america to supplement the after school program I'll be starting. I will be teaching English to hispanic families with young kids and kind of acting as a community liason. i am SO excited and could not have worked this out better. I have all other kind of job news I could share but will save that for multiple other posts.

THank-you for your thoughts and prayers as I made this transition. I miss my Detroit family, but am loving being with my Sioux Falls family too. I will update again soon ...so much going through my head!!!


Friday, May 21, 2010

oh kids...

Let me give you the scene- it's lunch time and all the kids are seated at the lunch tables with their respective grades. My office is in the back so I talk through the lunch time multiple times a day- frequently during lunch time. The 2nd-3rd grade girls sit closes to me...here's what i heard...

Girl A (snotty voice..): "well I don't even care about you then"

Girl B (becoming angry..): "I don't even want you to care about me"

Girl A (increase snottiness...): "Fine, then I don't and we'll settle this later"

Girl B (through anger and gritted teeth): "Well I will not fight because I have a Christ-like attitude"

Job well done City Mission Academy teachers of 2009-2010, well done!

Monday, May 17, 2010

may day parade

City Mission was a part of the Brightmoor Days May Day Parade on Saturday. I drove the bus in the parade and the staff and kids marched with some signs. It was a blast and so fun to join others working in the Brightmoor neighborhood for the day! Here are some pictures- enjoy!

The marchers, with their signs
The LOVE bus

Malik, cutest face ever. (don't let him fool you)

My girl, Dana
Kuddles the clown prodigees! (the hip hop clown neighbor girls)

BONUS: I made 75 cupcakes for my friend Debra's wedding (our K-1 teacher). So fun, and tasty!

The time is definitly ticking and the beginning of the end has started. I've begun to say goodbyes and started the lasts. A few end of the year parties, and trips to my favorite restaurants and I'm headed back to SD. Bittersweet to the say least...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

some cool things

City Mission is thriving right now. A far cry from where we were a short summer ago when things were so uncertain. A few cool things...

-City Mission Academy is expanding. There will be pre-k, k/ 1-2/ 3-4/ and 5-6. Growing a little up and a little down. Two portables will be placed between our current school and a house we own for the two older classrooms. This will open up space for the after school programs as well. Miss Dana (the principal) has been waiting a long time to expand the school. Everyone is so thrilled!

-KABOOM! Kaboom is an organization that builds playgrounds. There is a funder, and organization and kaboom. City Mission is the organization, PNC bank is the funder. So, on June 26th in one day, before your very eyes a brand new fabulous building will be constructed on the west side of the building. This is where the car wash was, but has been torn down (finally)! This is so exciting for the school, but even more so the community.

-Programs: Tutoring and mentoring programs are growing like crazy. Next year things are going to look a little bit different but the change is needed and very welcome. Mondays will be 1st-4th grade tutoring, Tuesdays will be 5th-7th grade Tweens (thanks Hillcrest), and Thursdays will be 8-12th grade mentoring. Right now we have 40 kids in each program and will grow to 50 or 60- tons of kids being reached and educated. I am excted to hear about how this change works- I know it will be for the best!

I know I'm about three weeks from leaving but I'm still excited about the ministry happening here at City Mission. I'm so excited for all these changes which mean growth and more children and families getting involved. The staff has been working so hard to make this all happen. Incredible staff, families, and children and I know I will miss them dearly!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


13 hours in a uhaul with one of my dearest friends, a busy week of interviewing, meeting and celebrating, and my last plane ride for awhile and I'm already back in Detroit.

I had a blast getting a taste of Sioux Falls last week. I unloaded all of my stuff into my new house and couldn't be filled with more anticipation of what's to come in that house. I met some of the kids that will be coming their daily and I feel so truly honored to get to be a part of this journey of life. Check out Pastor Brian's blog to read a little more about this exciting upcoming project.

Since that will only be part time to begin with I was patiently...err, or more anxiously...waiting for the perfect thing to compliment this. I was sure I wouldn't end up as a barista extraordinaire, but was open to that too. However, through some miraculous funding I was able to interview with an incredible organization, the Volunteers of America (VOA). VOA is doing incredible things in Sioux Falls and really targeting those in need and certain areas of the city. They are holistic in what they do and meeting basic needs of people but also are just doing life together. They do church together once a month as a staff, as they are 'spiritually-based' organization. Sounds oddly familiar right? So, although I haven't officially been offered a position it is looking very positive that I'll be involved with this organization. I'll leave it at that for now :).

My head is spinning as I sit in between two worlds. One that is very bittersweet to leave and another that is calling my name. I am so blessed with incredible family and friends back home but will sadly say goodbye to those that have become family here. I am so lucky!

Love, jm

P.S. Congrats to my beautiful friends Josh and Becky Tigner- I was so blessed to be a part of your day! And...congrats to Dan and Morgie on the arrival of your sweet baby girl Brooke, can't wait to meet her!!!!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

tooth fairy fail

Well, the uhaul is loaded and I'm heading out Tuesday morning for my first journey back to Sioux Falls. I packed up the last two weeks and had some incredible friends come over put my whole life in that box truck. To think I moved here in my car, there wasn't room for one more thing!

In packing my bedroom up I was folding clothes and cleaning out under the bed. I found a bag of quarters. I thought to myself, wow strange place to find quarters. Though, if you've never heard- many 'brown people' store important items under the mattress. If you're laying on it nobody can get it right. However, this was not the case with the bag of quarters. I thought for a minute and suddenly remembered a sleepover with three sweet girls- Ashley, Angel and Krissie.

Ashley had lost her tooth during the day and we had had many conversations about the tooth fairy coming. I felt so much pressure, I had never been the tooth fairy before. But, I do remember the tooth fairy visiting my sleepy head and real or not- it was a big deal. So, I let them go to sleep (i.e. waited as long as I could before I feel asleep) and tip toed upstairs to deliver the goods. They were all snoring and all piled on top of each other as usual so I thought I was safe. I deposited the bag under her pillow and whipped out my wings and flew away. Ashley didn't say anything the next morning but I certainly couldn't bring it up, worried my wings might show.

Well, Ashley didn't bring it up, because Ashley didn't get it. That lonely bag of quarters didn't quite make a little girls day and I threw it in another box and taped it up hoping her hopes and dreams were dashed that morning. Someday, I hope to be able to apologize to Ash for my tooth fairy fail and somehow maybe restore her hopes in the tooth fairy!

See you Wednesday Sioux Falls friends!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

old mcdonald had a farm...

When I think of old people I immediately think of my cousin Becca who loves old people. Something about how cute they are, I guess I can see where she's coming from. This weekend she quickly came to mind as I attended the praise concert fundraiser at City Covenent Church (City Mission's church plant).

There were about 8 groups. These groups ranged from youth worship bands, Jesus rappers, mens choirs and (my favorite), the masters of harmony. There names says it all- they were an incredible a cappela group. This was a group of five older men. The leader was 96!!!!!! He didn't look a day over 60 and was an incredible man of faith, with quick wit too. He had such a simplicity about him and spoke truth to us- pretty much informing us that the tv is the devil. He shared for a few minutes and I think many of could have gathered at his feet and listened to him all night but the group quickly broke out in song. A tall, thin man took center circle for the first number. I'm sure it was an old gospel hymn that many knew and it outlined the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. But, the only line I remember is when this reverant man quietly sang the line....it causes me to tremble...and there he stood his fragile frame practically trembling as he sang these words from his heart and visualized the picture he was painting with his song. It was absolutely beautiful.

So then Mr. 96- but I look like I'm 60- takes over again and says we're going to sing a song for the kids and they break out in the cutest version of Old McDonald I've ever heard. Everyone was clapping and laughing and he was dancing his way up and down the aisle having the kiddos help with the animal sounds. It was precious. He goes back up front and starts a new line- "on his farm he had a wife"...he stops there and says, "I have to stay up here for this one, ...had a wife, e-i-e-i-o, with a gimme gimme here and a gimme gimme there, here a gimme, there a gimme, everywhere a gimme gimme...." Everybody was ROLLING! We were so shocked but thought it was so funny and there stands Mr. 96- but i look like I'm 60- toe tappin along as he finished the song.

Out of left field this man that we were ready to sit at his feet and listen to stories as though he was Jesus....has a wife that says gimme gimme. He was beautiful...and real. In his defense, he ended the song and then said ladies, we aren't nothing without you. Maybe you had to be there, but gosh it was so funny! It was an great night of worship and family as we experienced Jesus through so many different styles and of course ended the night enjoying food around the table- because there is not better way to experience community but through food :)

Boy, I'm going to miss my family here.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


...i'm not talking about 190+ stairs i run each Sunday during boot camp with Rodney (who is the Ohio body builder champ as of Saturday to help you get a little visual...) but rather the many stares I've experienced living in this community.

The other day a friend of mine requested some 'magno arizona tea and jay's bbq chips with the ridges'- so i went to 'the store' as the kids would say, this means the gas station and got just that...juice and chips. In the first year I lived here i was too scared to even get gas at the gas station much less go inside and buy chips. But, I've long been over that and stood there amongst my community buying juice and chips. I wish you could have been an onlooker, I could almost feel the eyes burning on me with the questions of what is she doing here. I know I stick out like a sore thumb but I'm oddly comfortable with that because of what it stands for. (I also jump at an opportunity to go into 'the store' to take advantage of all the quarter candy at the checkout. It's the best!)

The store is only the beginning of the stares, but as the result of living and working in the community many of those stares have changed to hellos and for that I'm grateful. People seemed a little skeptical in the beginning- young, college-grad, white, girl...not a recipe for the ghetto of Detroit. But, through bbq's, sleepovers, and lawn-mowing understanding soon took over. I simply became a neighbor, one that happened to be ok with large crowds of children eating pancakes on her porch.

Though people still stare and the occasional mom demands an explanation of how south dakota ended up in detroit, my three years here have been a success. I have truly been blessed by this community that has grown in me a love for BBQ chicken and fat beats (i can already hear my mom...fat beats? haha) but also a passion and desire for this to be my life no matter where I land. Loving people and living with them and figuring out life together, even if that means people will continue to stare.

Monday, March 15, 2010


So, I guess I'm not so good of a blogger as life (like i've said before) here has become so normal to me. Which, is good I guess. But, apparently I do have a few fans that have reminded me it's been awhile (i think all bloggers say that) so, i thought i'd share some news (may be old, may be new)

Let me start off like this...

Growing up on Magnolia Ave. in Sioux Falls, South Dakota I had the most beautiful home. Now, it wasn't just beautiful because my mom painted every other year and ran 'errands' (right Dad? :)) every night to help in this beauty...but it was beautiful more because of the way it felt there. It was warm, it was loving, and it was so comfortable. Anybody was welcome in our home at any time (well, for the most part). In fact, Joy was so comfortable and welcome she would just breeze her way in and join the fesitivities even without a knock. We had many a parties at that house including the best surprise 18th birthday party thrown by the very best of friends a girl could ask for. Seriously, I had no idea and that was no easy feat. Well, that home that my parents and my sister and I created over many years is being packed up this very week and I've already 'said' my goodbyes. As my parents load the boxes and move in with Kell for a few months it's almost as if that era of life is being put to rest. Boy, will I miss that house and all the memories that were made there.

However, as I moved to Detroit (THREE YEARS AGO!) and eventually bought a house of my own those memories and tactics seemed to put into place quite quickly. Not only do the looks of it have a resemblance of my mother, but if you'd followed my blog at all or heard stories of my time here my house quickly became a home to so many. It was truly a place that I would welcome any, even if it meant giving up my bed for two weeks. Each night of the summer when the little knock at the door came I would welcome the beautiful smiling faces in with open arms to play connect 4 or ladderball. My house quickly became a home thanks to the memories and love that my parents shared with me and that was shared in my home on Magnolia.

In another few months this era of life will come to a close as well. Funny how it's happening yet again through a home. I'll be packing up my Detroit home, my very first home that I absolutely adore and moving back to Sioux Falls. I'll be loading up a Uhaul and delivering my belongings to a new house in Sioux Falls where I'll live and begin another community development effort. I'll also be doing after school tutoring programs out of this house with middle school students- a job I could not confidently accept without the position I had this year at City Mission. I'm excited to make this new house a home, and welcome and love those that find themselves there. I'm excited to use the experience and skills I've learned over the past three years in Detroit to give back and nurture a place that helped me grow into who I am today. I'm sad, very sad to leave the people that have become family to me in this place that have helped this place become home to me. I love these people so dearly. But, it's time for me to continue on and I'm excited to continue the stories from my new home.

Love, Jessi

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So the Sanders family came and went in shifts. After many phonecalls passed around the circle i came to the realization that they are kind of sick of each other. How could you not be with 6 other kids in the house. So, they came in two different shifts and it was so great to see these kids again.

Since all of metro Detroit gets a week long winter break the little girls came on Tuesday and went home on Wednesday. We sure packed in the activities while they were here. It was Ashley, Angel, Krissie, me and Miss Dana and we had a blast.

We played hide and seek in my house. I will never tire of this game and secretly wish to play it- especially in the dark. I love especially cramming small children in little places...living vicariouly through them I guess. I will say I had some pretty bomb spots myself :). We made cookies of which I tried not to devour every one of them (would like to note we used my star pan and heart pan both incredible thrift store finds...i love thrifting). We made grill cheese on the panini, made birthday and valentine day cards, started weaving a purse (this was not quick and easy therefore I'm sure the promise to 'finish it later' was not followed through, tis ok!), played the piano, ate at our favorite place..Red Robin and had the ever talked about and promised Spa Night. (I forgot to add we made a trip to the mall to drop Courtney off with the fabulous Devon to get back to Grand Rapids. I forgot to mention because it was a trip from hell as the twins were to tall to play in the play place and Krissie got knocked in the mouth with the result of a big fat bloody lip. Though, I did get to at least hug the fabulous Devon with a future happytown visit guarenteed :).
So needless to say these girls always give me so much joy. I miss having them down the street like crazy but truly know now that they are in a better place considering the circumstances. They are hilarious, honest, and so loving and I am blessed to know them- truly blessed.

Here's a few pictures....enjoy!

This was the card making session....the OCD side of me was twitching inside and you know I busted out the vaccuum when were done!
Miss Dana and Angel relaxing at the spa...including cucumbers on the eyes?!? The girls think this is what you do at the spa...so we did it...comical!

So as I was snapping the abovie picture, Krissie decided enough with the eyes and sat up and started eating the cucumber. We laughed so hard. I think she ate a whole cucumber by the end of the night. It was so precious!

Monday, February 8, 2010


These pretty girls called me the other night (and their handsome brother too). Ashley is the one that called but about 45 minutes later they had all passed the phone around the circle...including little Krissie who got on the phone and chatted with me like she was a teenager- so cute. I miss these kids, a lot. I miss the craziness, love and joy they brought to our lives. But, I know they are in a good place considering the circumstance and considering the huge and major transition they are going through they seem to be doing ok, and are even laughing....alot. We're going to hang out this weekend....we'll see how many get buckled in the ol' bonnie and make it back to Auburn. But, whoever comes i can guarentee same valentining, laughing, a college basketball game, and a previously promised 'spa day' for sure :).

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

cream of tarter

Three words that may not seem so important....but turned out to be incredibly important in one of my weekend endeavors. I made three batches of homemade play-doh for our lesson at tutuoring on Monday and Tuesday evening. We have been going through Genesis and this week we were talking about how God formed man out of dust...errr...play-doh. Regardless, they had a blast with the play-doh and created some fascinating 'men out of dust' or something like that.

Here's where the cream of tarter comes in. The recipe called for 6 tsp. of cream of tarter. I only had enough for about 2 batches. I thought surely this white powdery stuff (where does cream of tarter come from anyways??) woudln't make a huge different. Well difference it did make and the students with the yellow play-doh filed a few complaints with the play-doh making department. Though, despite their sticky hands and messy tables they seemed to have fun :). Lesson learned- never skip out on the cream of tarter.

Keith at tutoring thinking, "Miss Jessi you totally messed this up". You may remember this cutie from my first year of teaching- one of the smartest kids I know. Also, with a great memory as he reminded me how we made this in my class and didn't have enough flour that time resulting in sticky play-doh. I think I may give up my play-doh making days!

Another beauty from CMA. Edward- he's thinking, I don't care if this stuff is sticky I love it! I'm sure his dad was real happy with me to send that home with him. Forgive me Winston!!

Happy play-dohing :)

Friday, January 29, 2010

bubble gum and cameras

1. I went to the most beautiful of weddings last weekend in Minneapolis...well Red Wing. My beautiful cousin Becca married the marvelous Charlie ...finally! It was a fabulous event, despite the rain in MN in January (WEIRD) and so fun to be with all of my family as well. One bonus of her reception..right along the river..was this huge candy buffet she had. Tall glass jars filled with brightly colored candies and my grandma's homemade carmels (of which she individuall wrapped 300 of, wow). At the end of it all I went back to my aunt and uncles waiting to fly out the next morning. My aunt had a box of bubblegum leftover from those tall glass jars that she thought I could take back to school for the kids. Well, i have a little confession here. It didn't make to to the school before it was dominated. After mentoring last night one of the girls I was bringing home stopped at my house for awhile and while we watched the movie Management we managed to eat about 40 gumballs. Now, let me explain this process:
1. carefully choose color of gumball (red is the best)
2. kill your jaw and gnaw on it to get it real soft
3. eat it for about a minute and suck all the flavor and softness out of it
4. spit it out in the envelope from the junk mail on your chair
5. repeat process carefully choosing a new color for new exciting flavor.
Yep, that's what we did. For at least a good 45 minutes and 40 gumballs later...those gumballs for the kiddos- they're gone. But, boy was it hilarious and rather enjoyable as well :).

2. Somehow at my job I have become the camera person. People always ask me where the camera is, where a particular photo from December 6th, 2006 (which mind you, Detroit wasn't even a thought in my mind at that point!), and how to upload the 400 pictures from the Christmas events on to the computer. I dont' mind this job- infact it's quite easy and i can easily impress people. I just think it's funny...as I wouldn't consider myself the most technical of people...but i have been unofficially declared the camera person at CM. So, if you have a photograph or camera need...apparently you need to see me.

p.s. my jaw hurts so bad this morning!!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

well, well

Well, it' been so long I almost forgot my blog's address. Let me explain the silence.

First, I was home in winter wonderland-family time-up the river-soup and chocolate-candlelight servce- BFFS - familiarty-iowa-beautiful land for two weeks for Christmas. What a sweet sweet time I did have.

Then, I got back Sunday night with big plans to be very productive and get all the things crossed off my list. Funny how we try to make plans like that right. Then, so unexpectedly life was turned upside down. I got a call at 9:00 on Monday evening that changed the course of the next two weeks. One of our moms, a mother of 9, that lived just three doors down from me had passed away. Suddenly that to do list and those grand intetions no longer mattered. Sandra Sanders, mother of Deonna, Demetrius, Dion, Courntey, Taylor, Terry, Ashley, Angel (the twins), and Krissie had suffered a grand asthma attack and passed away. It was tragic, it was breath taking and it began a two week process of questions, wonering, tears, laughter, and kids- lots of kids.

I headed out for Grand Rapids at midnight to get Courntey and got back at 4 and picked up Taylor. The 4 younger ones were safely tucked in at Dana's, and soon Court and Taylor were snuggled in my bed too. These were the housing arrangements for the next two weeks and I quickly understood why we live here and what it means to love the orphan. Sandra was sick, but yet this was still a shock and so confusing for her children. Yet, because of her illness and other issues it was so clear to us that the kids were each others support system and when the six of them were together they had a ball. There were good times and bad but overall incredible amounts of loving support around them.

Love looked like giving up my bed and opening up my home, loading the dishwasher one more time, waking up before I would normally wake up to get kids to school, tirelessly trying to be focused and trying to get my job done when my thoughts drifted to these precious children, the smell of the pressing comb on the stove yet one more time, the laughter of two beautiful girls that have let me be a part of their life, laughter through tears as we remembered San and her famous phrase, "you fail to realize...", the meals shared around Dana's dinner table provided by loving hands with incredibly strong children, and teamwork that brought on success.

So, as i sit her tonight and anticipate sleeping in my own bed after really 4 weeks, and the silence sets in I realiz that i am so blessed to live here and again be part of the lives of theses families I call my neighbors. Courtney is back in Grand Rapids and the younger five are safely living with their aunt and uncle in the suburbs and though a long road of transition is ahead the future is bright for these beautiful kids. We will miss them, but know this is what is best for them all and will continue to pray for this new family of 9 and the elder 4 children. Please join me in praying.

(also, thanks for all the love and support from my friends and family as well. i sometimes feel so out of my league in this life but can wake up each morning thanks for the love and support I receive from so many, y'all are the best!)