Thursday, December 3, 2009

is this normal?

sometimes I forget to post on here because so much of the day to day i experience is becoming so normal. making dinner for the kiddos before we brush our teeth for bed, trips to the ER wee in the night, those tough conversations that one never wants to have, programs for the holiday seasons coming out of my ears- this is just what i do. i was asked by three people in the last week what is it that you do all day now that you don't teach. i thought about that all day today especially as when i realize i was hungry about 2:00 pm and hadn't stopped for lunch i said to myself what have i been doing all day!

job description of a program director:
send emails- regularly thoughout the day. answer phonecalls of those making donations, wanting to volunteer, and already volunteering during our weekly programs, run around and get neccesary supplies for various events and programs. greet the kids around 3:30 pm to help with homework. prepare lessons and supplies for tutoring on monday and tuesday nights. from 6-8 most evenings of the week at work spending time with the kids i love. i interact with the volunteers to make sure they are doing ok and things are going well as they build relationships with the kids. i often get to teach a little but use my super fast organization and administration skills to get things done fast! i get to spend these evenings with over a 100 kids that i have truly grown to love. during holidays we do big outreaches- for example we have 250 kids sponsored by tons of different people and groups you should see all the spreadsheets at this point in the game. i also lead most events outside the school day. this requires transportation, timing, flyers, and communication and all logistics for things like fundraisers, basketball games, and fun events for the kids.

even reading this myself i wonder how my days fill up but it often feels like i could never stop working and there would still be work to be done. this is how i've come up with my motto for work: sometimes you just have to leave- all the work will never be done!

i'm sure that really cleared things up for you (ha, all four people that read this!). also, i recognize the capitilization and punctuation is awful on this- i'm tired.

sidenote: i just got done with three days of jury duty. It wasn't awful but i wasn't enjoyable. 22 year-old convicted guilty, another life wasted. definitely an experience- add it to my i did it in detroit list.


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