Wednesday, February 3, 2010

cream of tarter

Three words that may not seem so important....but turned out to be incredibly important in one of my weekend endeavors. I made three batches of homemade play-doh for our lesson at tutuoring on Monday and Tuesday evening. We have been going through Genesis and this week we were talking about how God formed man out of Regardless, they had a blast with the play-doh and created some fascinating 'men out of dust' or something like that.

Here's where the cream of tarter comes in. The recipe called for 6 tsp. of cream of tarter. I only had enough for about 2 batches. I thought surely this white powdery stuff (where does cream of tarter come from anyways??) woudln't make a huge different. Well difference it did make and the students with the yellow play-doh filed a few complaints with the play-doh making department. Though, despite their sticky hands and messy tables they seemed to have fun :). Lesson learned- never skip out on the cream of tarter.

Keith at tutoring thinking, "Miss Jessi you totally messed this up". You may remember this cutie from my first year of teaching- one of the smartest kids I know. Also, with a great memory as he reminded me how we made this in my class and didn't have enough flour that time resulting in sticky play-doh. I think I may give up my play-doh making days!

Another beauty from CMA. Edward- he's thinking, I don't care if this stuff is sticky I love it! I'm sure his dad was real happy with me to send that home with him. Forgive me Winston!!

Happy play-dohing :)


  1. hahahaha typical Jess...nothing stops you...even the lack of cream of tartar!!!

  2. haha, that's great. Edward looks SO big!
